A Webhook is registered for a client’s http endpoint and that endpoint recieves Http POSTs of json uris, and the Hub server keeps track of the Webhook’s state.

  • name is used in the url for the callback. Names are limited to 48 characters and may only contain a-z, A-Z, 0-9, hyphen - and underscore _.

  • callbackUrl is the fully qualified location to receive callbacks from the server.

  • channelUrl is the fully qualified channel location to monitor for new items. This needs to be the url you use to access the hub. The url’s scheme and host may be changed, but the name of the channel can’t change.

  • parallelCalls is the optional number of callbacks to make in parallel. The default value is 1. If parallelCalls is higher than one, callback ordering is not guaranteed. parallelCalls can be modified with a call to PUT

  • startItem is the optional location where the callback should start from. If startItem is a fully qualified item, that next item after it will be sent via the callback. If startItem is ‘previous’, the previous stable item on the channel will be sent as the first callback item. startItem is only used when creating a webhook. If you want to change the pointer of a callback, you will need to delete the callback first.

  • paused is optional and defaults to false. When true, this will pause a webhook.

  • batch is optional and defaults to SINGLE, which will return each item by itself. Setting the value to SECOND will return each second’s worth of data in the channel. Setting the value to MINUTE will return each minute’s worth of data in the channel. SECOND and MINUTE callbacks will return an empty array of uris if there are no items.

  • heartbeat is optional and defaults to false for SINGLE. MINUTE batches always have a heartbeat. A heartbeat is a callback which identifies the end of a minute period. It may have an empty uris array. It will include an id field which identifies the ending minute.

  • maxWaitMinutes is optional and defaults to 1. maxWaitMinutes is the maximum amount of time between retry attempts to the callbackUrl.

  • ttlMinutes is optional and defaults to 0. If ttlMinutes is greater than 0, the hub will not attempt to send an item which is older than the ttl.

  • maxAttempts is optional and defaults to 0. If maxAttempts is zero, the webhook will always retry a failed item.
    If maxAttempts is greater than zero, the hub will only make that many attempts for a failed item.

  • errorChannelUrl is optional and defaults to nothing. If errorChannelUrl is defined, and the webhook gives up on delivery of an item, the Hub will attempt to publish a JSON payload with details on the failure.

          "webhookUrl": "http://hub/webhook/coffeeDelivery",
          "failedItemUrl": "http://hub/channel/stumptown/2015/02/06/22/28/43/239/s03ub2",
          "callbackUrl": "http://client/path/callback",
          "numberOfAttempts": 10,
          "lastAttemptTime": "2018-01-25T18:33:17.880Z",
          "lastAttemptError": "java.net.SocketTimeoutException: Read timed out"

List existing webhooks

GET http://hub/webhook

Create new webhook

PUT http://hub/webhook/{name}

  "callbackUrl" : "http://client/path/callback",
  "channelUrl" : "http://hub/channel/stumptown",
  "parallelCalls" : 2,
  "startItem" : "http://hub/channel/stumptown/2015/02/06/22/28/43/239/s03ub2",
  "paused" : false,
  "batch" : "SINGLE",
  "heartbeat" : false,
  "maxWaitMinutes" : 1,
  "ttlMinutes" : 0

Once a Webhook is created, the channel’s name can not change. PUT may be safely called multiple times with the same configuration. Changes to batch will be ignored. Change to startItem will update the cursor to the startItem key.

To see the configuration and status of a webhook:

GET http://hub/webhook/{name}

Delete a webhook

DELETE http://hub/webhook/{name}

DELETE will return a 202, and it may take up to a minute to properly stop a webhook from servicing the callback.

Update a webhook cursor

With this api, you can adjust the webhook cursor forward or backward in time.

PUT http://hub/webhook/{name}/updateCursor

With a channel url as a body. e.g.:


The same result can be accomplished with updating the startItem and re-PUTting (upserting) the webhook.

#####HTTPie example

http PUT localhost:8080/webhook/coffeeWebhook/updateCursor \
        Content-Type:text/plain \

Webhook behavior

The application listening at callbackUrl will get a payload POSTed to it for every new item in the channel, starting after startItem or at the time the webhook is created. The POST has a Content-type of application/json. A 2XX-level client response is considered successful. Any other response is considered an error, and will cause the server to retry. Redirects are allowed. Retries will use an exponential backoff up to one minute, and the server will continue to retry at one minute intervals indefinitely.

An example SINGLE payload:

  "name" : "stumptownCallback",
  "type" : "item",
  "uris" : [ "http://hub/channel/stumptown/2014/01/13/10/42/31/759/s03ub2" ]

An example SINGLE heartbeat:

  "name" : "stumptownCallback",
  "type" : "heartbeat",
  "id" : "2014/01/13/10/42",
  "uris" : []

An example MINUTE payload:

  "name" : "stumptownCallbackBatch",
  "type" : "items",
  "id" : "2014/01/13/10/42",
  "url" : "http://hub/channel/stumptown/2014/01/13/10/42",
  "bulkUrl" : "http://hub/channel/stumptown/2014/01/13/10/42?bulk=true",
  "uris" : [ 

An example MINUTE heartbeat :

  "name" : "stumptownCallbackBatch",
  "type" : "heartbeat",
  "id" : "2014/01/13/10/42",
  "url" : "http://hub/channel/stumptown/2014/01/13/10/42",
  "bulkUrl" : "http://hub/channel/stumptown/2014/01/13/10/42?bulk=true",
  "uris" : [ ]

Tag webhooks

Tag Webhooks are a way to automate the creation and deletion of webhooks for channels that have a specific tag. It is useful if you have several channels that emit to the same webhook client. If a Tag Webhook is defined, all channels containing a the specified tag, will have a webhook automatically created based on the Tag Webhook “prototype” configuration. Removing a tag from the channel will also remove the associated Tag Webhook instance associated with that channel. Likewise, adding a tag to a new or existing channel will create an associated webhook if the tag has a Tag Webhook defined for it.

Creating a Tag Webhook

You create a Tag Webhook the same way as you would create a normal Webhook with two configuration exceptions:

  • tagUrl: add fully qualified tag url (e.g. http://hub.com/tag/{tagName})
  • channelUrl: Don’t include a channelUrl. Webhooks will accept either a tagUrl (for tag webhooks) or a channelUrl (for normal webhooks) but not both.

Deleting a Tag Webhook

You delete a tag webhook as you would a normal webhook, but note that when you delete a tag webhook, all actual “instances” of the Tag Webhook will be automatically deleted as well.

Tags: channel