fetch content from channel

To fetch content that was stored into a hub channel, do a GET on the self link in the above response:

GET http://hub/channel/stumptown/2013/04/23/20/42/31/749/{hash}

On success: HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Content-Type: text/plain
Creation-Date: 2013-04-23T00:21:30.662Z
Link: <http://hub/channel/stumptown/2013/04/23/20/42/31/749/{hash}/previous>;rel="previous"
Link: <http://hub/channel/stumptown/2013/04/23/20/42/31/749/{hash}/next>;rel="next"
X-Item-Length: 1234567890

your content here


  • The Content-Type will match the Content-Type used when inserting the data.
  • There are two Link headers that provide links to the previous and next items in the channel.
  • The Creation-Date header will correspond to when the data was inserted into the channel.
  • The X-Item-Length header will return -1 for items inserted prior to the headers addition. You can force calculation by including the X-Item-Length-Required: true header on your request.

Here’s how you can do this with curl:

curl -i http://hub/channel/stumptown/2013/04/23/20/42/31/749/{hash}

fetch latest channel item

To retrieve the latest item inserted into a channel, issue a HEAD or GET request on the latest link returned from the channel metadata. The Hub will issue a 303 redirect.

HEAD http://hub/channel/stumptown/latest

On success: HTTP/1.1 303 See Other

Location: http://hub/channel/stumptown/2013/04/23/20/42/31/749/{hash}

Here is how you can do this with curl:

curl -I http://hub/channel/stumptown/latest

You can also retrieve the latest N items by using /latest/{n}

fetch earliest channel item

To retrieve the earliest item inserted into a channel, issue a HEAD or GET request on the earliest link returned from the channel metadata. The Hub will issue a 303 redirect.

HEAD http://hub/channel/stumptown/earliest

On success: HTTP/1.1 303 See Other

Location: http://hub/channel/stumptown/2013/04/23/20/42/31/749/{hash}

Here is how you can do this with curl:

curl -I http://hub/channel/stumptown/earliest

You can also retrieve the earliest N items by using /earliest/{n}

next and previous links

Any item’s uri can be appended with /next or /previous to navigate forward or backward. A 404 will be returned if there isn’t an item. The starting point does not need to be an real item in the hub, it can be a time.

If you append a number /next/20 or /previous/15, and you’ll receive a list of that many items.

For example:

GET http://hub/channel/stumptown/2014/12/23/23/14/50/514/xIXX5L/previous/3

On success: HTTP/1.1 200 OK

  "_links" : {
    "self" : {
      "href" : "http://hub/channel/stumptown/2014/12/23/23/14/50/514/xIXX5L/previous/3"
    "next" : {
      "href" : "http://hub/channel/stumptown/2014/12/23/23/14/49/887/x46z8p/next/3"
    "previous" : {
      "href" : "http://hub/channel/stumptown/2014/12/23/23/14/42/751/mRklXw/previous/3"
    "uris" : [

fetch bulk content from channel

Any query operation (including next, previous, earliest, latest, and times) supports the addition of the query parameter ?bulk=true. Using the bulk parameter will result in the content of the query items being streamed as MIME or as a zip file to the client. To get a zip file, specify the ‘Accept’ header as application/zip.

NOTE bulk was previously named batch. batch is deprecated.

The hub will generate a random 70 character boundary, and follows the same MIME rules as bulk insert content into channel

Using the previous example:

GET http://hub/channel/stumptown/2014/12/23/23/14/50/514/xIXX5L/previous/3?bulk=true

On success: HTTP/1.1 200 OK


content-type: multipart/mixed; boundary=||||||~~~~~~||||||~~~~~~||||||~~~~~~||||||~~~~~~||||||~~~~~~||||||


Content-Type: application/json
Content-Key: http://hub/channel/stumptown/2014/12/23/23/14/47/376/swdWJD

{ "type" : "coffee", "roast" : "french" }
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Key: http://hub/channel/stumptown/2014/12/23/23/14/48/115/lDCHYY

{ "type" : "coffee", "roast" : "italian" }
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Key: http://hub/channel/stumptown/2014/12/23/23/14/49/887/x46z8p

{ "type" : "coffee", "roast" : "hair bender" }

ordering content from channel

Any query operation (including next, previous, earliest, latest, and times) supports the addition of the query parameter ?order=descending. descending can be abbreviated to d, or any partial spelling. Anything else will be interpreted as the default ascending. This will cause all results (including bulk queries) to be returned in descending time order.

Tags: channel